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Night of Fire

The sound of Justice marching echoes down
Each wall of the buildings around th'alley,
And pausing, determining, it comes from
The Heart, to West of where you stand. But still
You stand, while North you must flee, then back West,
To Home. again, the voice, "Go now! Why wait?"
Your body takes control, as you
Escape across the street, and in between
The houses that exist for the purpose
Of giving some small shelter to those less
Deserving of the Glory given from
The City. Shelter now they are for you,
Entrenching you in shadow, shrouding you
In safety from all but the seldom light
From open windows littering the walls
Of make shift houses, homes. This path you chose,
This one way home, you've never seen before,
But know it as a childhood toy, you need
Not think, just run, the char-black sky above
Is map enough, all roads lead to the Light.
The Heart. Much closer now, avert your mind
From fear, it's lurching up, with doubt in tow,
But stifle it, press forward still, so close,
And there, ahead, it is. You're home at last.
You pause, a moment's thought, recognizing
The ring of light that breaks the line of night,
Which streams from the great hole in the grey sky
Directly 'bove the Citadel fixed at
The Heart, the shining sign of hope that pulls
The mass to prayer and worship, and provides
Some sanctuary to lost souls in need.
You see the golden steps that lead up to
The entrance of the Citadel, wherein
You might find answers; Father knows, always,
What course is best. In, to recount your day,
Then hear the wise words Father has to say.

You have 1 choice:

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