Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Kingdom Stance

"Don't worry, son, you'll be just fine," you tell the 40-something man you've just healed.
"Son?!?" he asks, incredulously. "You don't even look old enough to be my son!"

You sigh at the soldier's incompetence at not knowing who you are and why you look so young. Then again, you might've overdone your last retro-heal. You swear, this time you look less like the "strapping buck" you were going for and more like a teenager. No wonder they treat you almost like a mere stablehand.

You peer down at your navy robes with the powder-blue trim and linings and start to consider that it might be time for an outfit change... when you notice a rather large fireball heading unobstructed to the ground at your immediate left.

Normally, this would be no cause for instant alarm, except that you notice a young mother cowering with a wailing toddler at what will be the very spot of impact. You must act quickly.

What will you do?
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