Hall of Infinite Doors

You tell him no, and he starts to get snitty, so you tell him no again. You walk out of the theater to wait outside Rosie's bathroom. When she emerges you banter lightly and then return to your seats for the second half of the performance, which happens to be as boring as the first.

Afterward you walk Rosie back to the parking lot where she lets you kiss her up and down the chin. But then she breaks it off, grabs your crotch and tells you she really owes you a favor, but she has to get some sleep. You feel really good and really bad at the same time.

The next day at work Rosie smiles cheerfully on the way in. You stop by Meagan, but she is still out sick. Then, around lunch, as you are about to go out, you see a very attactive female walking out of the reception area to the elevator--perfect hair, perfect body. You ask Rosie who she is, and she tells you that it is Candice, someone who just stopped by to submit a modelling resume. "Wow," you say, "will we hire her?"

Rosie smirks. "No. We only take people through modelling agencies. I'm told to just throw these in the circular file."

You see Candice hit the down button on the elevator.
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