Hall of Infinite Doors

You tell the driver to take you back to the dorm. He nods in the mirror and smiles before putting the window up.

On the drive you softly kiss and caress her face and foldle her breasts. She noticably enjoys your hands moving up and down her sides.

Nikky glides down off the seat until her head is between your legs. You pour some champange in her open mouth as she laughs. When she opens her mouth again you pour a second portion down her cleavage. She laughs and shoves your chest, allowing you to drip champange through her blonde hair. Then she unzips your pants and gives you one of the most satisfying pleasure jobs you've ever received. In between gasps of air you pour more of the wonderous champange into her body, much to her gigglish delight.

Finally you arrive at her dorm. She is clearly drunk.

After paying the driver a small fortune, you walk your tired friend up to her room. Her roommate answers the door and helps you lay her into bed. You almost want to wake her for more satisfaction.

"I can't believe she fell asleep on you. How tacky," exclaims her roommate. "If I did that to my boyfriend, he would dump me." You look at her roommate. Short. Long dark hair. Nice rack. She looks a little like a hippie type. Her tight dark red sweater and black skirt accentuate her features nicely.

"I know," you reply, "but we're not even going out. It wouldn't be right to wake her from her sleep. Still, ouch," you say, refering to the spot between your legs.

"If you want, I'd help you with that," replies her roommate. "Guys always complain about how bad blue balls can be, and it looks like you have it bad."
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