The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

You walk through the endless halls of that gigantic school, trying to find the class of Dark Magics.

You are suddenly aware of a distant chanting. You follow the song until you happen to reach the exact class you were searching for. The words "Dark Magic" are written in blood above the door, which is closed shut, and a deep, disturbing chant can be heard from inside.

The Great Bell rings just as you open the door and step within the dark room. It is dark indeed, the only light coming from several thousand candles positioned around the classroom. You'd call them beautiful if they all didn't rest on human skulls.

About fifty men and women are arranged in a circle around a tall, black cloaked figure with its arms in the air. The figure has its hood up so that all of its facial features are hidden, all except for a lovely pair of blood red eyes.

The men and women are also dressed in black robes and they move in and out simutaneously, making the circle large and then small.


"Excuse me!" you try to shout above the hum of their voices, "EXCUSE ME!"

They stop. The Dark One turns and fixes its burning eyes upon you.

You put your hands on your hips. "I don't appreciate you ignoring me like that!"

The Dark One cocks its head slightly to the side. "Naaammmeee..." it hisses.

"Aaron Appelapolous."

A gasp runs through the crowd. You pick out a few of the words uttered: "The prophesy... the one who will destroy us..."

The Dark One pauses for a moment, then reaches slowly into his cloak.

You tense, ready for the battle of your life.

The evil being whips out a clipboard and begins leafing through the pages.

"Hmmmmm..." it mutters, "Block B... your lassst name iss sspelt R-D-S-Q-I-V-W-G-G-G?

"Uh, no." you reply.

The creature ignores you and continues searching through the pages of his clipboard.

"Ah... yesss, Aaron Appel-sssomething, pleasse retrieve a cloak weaved from midnight and join your classssmatesss."
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