The Punk Rock Show

India. Ahh, the name is so sweet to her ears. At age 2 she was her parents pride and joy, but by the time she hit 12, the adults already wanted to disown her. She had started listening to "hell" as her parents liked to call it. You see, her father was a minister, and her mother supported every bit of what he believed in. In reality that hell was, in fact, punk. And now, 16 years later...
India had just gotten out of the shower and was blowdrying her hair when the phone rang. It was Joel. The love of her life since she was 14.
"You wanna go to the Rancid show with me this weekend?"
Only 2 words come to India's mind. "Oh, Yeah!" but then she stops and thinks about what her over-religious parental units will say.
"Can I get back to you on that Joel?" and with that she hangs up the phone.
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