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Insanity: Haunting of Hilltop Middle

Since the beginning of the school year, you and your friends Julio, Izaac, Froylan, Midna (Midna's a girl), Paola, Elias, Kyle, and Jesus (pronounced Hey Zeus) have heard rumors of students and school staff being mysteriously murdered in gruesome fashions. So one day after school, you, Janette Marrs who is a 14-year old girl, meet up with your trusty friends in front of the liquor store next to your school.

When everyone is present, you all begin to discuss on what to do to stop the killings at Hilltop Middle.

"Maybe we should ignore it," suggested Jesus.

"And let some crazed maniac rip my insides out and use them as streamers for his/her child's birthday party? I think I'll pass," Midna yelled back.

Just when no one could think up a better idea, you say, "How 'bout we sneak out of our houses at night and investigate what's happening here ourselves? So far, the authorities haven't found any good leads on who is behind all these murders."

"Sounds pretty reasonable," Izaac agreed.

"But," Julio interrupted, "What if we're killed in the process?"

You give him a slick smile and reply:
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