Harka'a Jomeia

Brackenhoim wasn't the largest city on the map. It still isn't today, but it was and is still a big place. In this City were three states. Querib'se'baba, Facil-en'Torp and Grogan. Within these three states were three clans. The Mor Clan, the Virs clan and the Lovre clan. All people within these clans were Assassins, and were all taught at the same School. Emis'Rya.

Within each Clan were three bases or hideouts. There was one amongst every town in each State.
There was Dropin Lovdgrem in Motdale, there was Dropin Grodert in Viscal and Dropin Froidand in Calan.
These were the 3 bases of the Mor clan.

Then there was Orfre South in Zer, Orfre North in Brou and Orfre East in Neka. These were the bases for the Virs Clan, and then the 3 bases for the Lovre Clan, which were Louvre which was in Endor, Louvrey in Ensedon and Louvres in Eldonham.

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