Naruto- Escape the Halls.

"You want me to what?" Naruto squinted at lady Tsunade in confusion, "Don't play dumb you know you heard me?" She shot back at him, clearly not having time for any shenanigans. "B-but a stealth mission? Me? And in uncharted territory? Wouldn't Sasuke-" Tsunade glared at him, Naruto then knew it was time to shut up.

She sighed and leaned back in her chair "It's not that hard and if you do it right you will be back before the sun even rises." Naruto frowned "Would you like me to give you a quick runover?" She asked. Naruto nodded and she leaned forward, placing her arms on the table.

"The halls are a spiders web of subterranean roads that are capable of travel to each of the shinobi lands, there is a base containing a map of the roads and the locations they lead to." Naruto nodded and waited for her to continue. "We need you to infiltrate the base and steal a copy of the map, but there's a catch. The base is kept sealed almost all the time, only one day every 5 years are the doors to the base opened, there is only a 24 hour window for us to enter. That window opens tonight."

"If this is so important why do I ha-" Tsunade slammed her fist on the desk "Because you act quickly, you saved the world from a cataclysmic event within a few days." Naruto smiled sheepishly "Well I didn't save the world on my own but thank you for the-"

Tsunade raised an eyebrow in annoyance. "Sorry, heh, continue."

She coughed in her throat "I normally would do this on my own but I have business here, do you understand now what I need you to do?" Naruto nodded. "Good man, you are excused."

Just as Naruto was about to leave, Tsunade said one more thing "Almost forgot, whatever you do, do not let anyone who might be at the base see you, m'kay." Naruto smiled back at her and exited her office.
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