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dead man shuffle

It feels like weeks. Months, years even. It's hard to believe that it's been only a few days since the story first broke. Your tired mind recalls how it all started: the mass sickness, the comas, the over crouded hospital wards. How it spread, nobody knew. Where it came from, scientests never had time to figure out. Why some people got it and not others, a complete unknown. Only eleven days after the sickness struck, the transformations were complete. Everyone who had fallen sick had turned into a monster straight out of myth: werewolves, zombies, vampires, and other assorted horrors. What decided the form of each person is still unknown. The only data anyone has is that it happened.

Now, hungry and cold, you crouch in the basement of your suburban home, all the exits blocked up with furniture. You've hardly been human yourself these last few days; the shock and horror hit you hard, and bouts of rationality were interspersed with fits of raving madness. However, with all the food in the house eaten, and your stomach growling with hunger, circumstances force you to come up with a plan of action.
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