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Before You Start Your Day

It was the first snowfall of the year last week. The sky has resumed being grey from dawn to dusk. Light peaks through the edge of your curtain lacking a happy yellow hue from the sun. Your alarm goes off for the third time. It drones loudly and you scramble to snooze it again though you've already stolen half an hour from your morning doing this. Your arms and legs feel like thirty pound weights on the bed and your eyes just won't stay open. It is Monday and you have three classes to prepare for. You usually allow yourself an hour in the morning to wake, eat, and prepare yourself for a day that will sap you of all your energy. This weekend you worked twenty hours on your feet at the gas station and still haven't recovered. You are filled with lethargy and realizing that time is running out to have a calm morning before class. You want to get up but you can't will your heavy limbs to move and your bed feels safe and calm under the warm, fluffy blankets. Your stomach tightens because you are feeling stressed. To pass a little time in hopes your brain will let up on being difficult, you pick up your phone. There is an email from one of your professors detailing an assignment you completely forgot about because of work this weekend. You will have to do all of it tonight in addition to the other homework you already had piling up from your other five classes. Your heartbeat quickens just a little as you furrow your brow and glance at the time before turning off your phone. You only have twenty minutes before you're supposed to leave for class and you haven't left your bed yet much less had any breakfast, packed your bag, or got dressed and ready to go. You start feeling queasy about getting up and going through this day. You are already so exhausted and think it might be better if you stay home. How are you supposed to do all of your homework later if you're exhausted and stressed already? Plus you have dishes to do that have been piling up and you're on your last pair of clean pants because you didn't have time to do laundry all weekend. You'd really like a break and so you toss the idea of staying home to rest around in your head. You know that you need time to yourself or you will have trouble functioning. You haven't had a moment of rest for weeks. However, you also know that staying home may help your brain and body recover a bit but you will ruthlessly put yourself down for missing any classes and not getting up and being a normal person.
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