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I'm a Part-Time Witch

“Look out!” You instinctively duck at the scream, just in time for you to narrowly escape death as a sphere of pure energy soars centimeters from your head. Color drains from your face as you whip around to the source of the blast.

“M-Mr. Green-” You try to steady your voice, but how the hell are you supposed to do that when your art teacher almost killed you?!

His thick, round glasses hiding his squinty eyes. His hair a mess of tangled brown locks, resembling that of a dirty mop. For anyone who didn’t know him, they would think he was a dirty highschool dropout, working at a local fast food restaurant. But to all his students he was the embodiment of fun.

The only teacher who let them mess around in class, work on whatever art style they wanted, and eat as much popcorn as they want. Everyone pretty much would agree that Mr. Green was the best teacher ever.

Well, except for you. Since he just tried to kill you and all.

You’re frozen in place. How’re you supposed to respond to that?
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