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I opened my eyes but I couldn't see anything . No, I wasn't blind. it was just dark everywhere because it was night. I didn't remember anything , I didn't even know where I was. I decided to get out of this room to explorate what's around me.

This place wasn't warmful, walls were covered of approxmativly fifty shades of grey. I think I'm in an old scientific lab.

What I saw was insane!absolutely Everything was dead. There were lying corpses everywhere around me. They had weird pincers at the end of their arms and closed globulus eyes .In each room there were beings lying on boards cover of white paper. Oh some of them are still moving as if they were breathing... They seemed dead and alive at the same time!
I came in a room where one of those them was gibberishing ! There's somebody alive : I ran straightaway to meet him:
"I like... weep my little in yog...urt"
I didn't understand anything but I wanted to know more about the situation. I instinctively shook him to try to communate with him!
"Ahhhhhh what the phoque is going on, leave me alone, back off!" The man yelped.

The corpse was alive ! I communicated with a ... LIVING DEAD !! I was panicstriken and stepped back at the other side of the room.

Suddenly 6 females ran to me. they chained me up and tied me down then locked me into a room. They treated me as if I were an object or even a freak but they were creepier than me! Why? I didn't deserve it.

A few time later darkness disappeared and a sun light up the world. Somebody opened the door and led me to another room. In this room there was a circle of living deads and they pulled me in the middle of the circle. Everybody was wearing a black suit, everybody except me.
Is it a living deads meeting, or a ritual to eat me? I don't care those beings didn't scare me I be seen way scarier than them.

" SHE IS A ABOMINATION OF GOD, A monster like her shouldn't exist "
"Maybe she's just different from us , we could learn new things from her "
Everyvody rise their hand... I don't get what they tried to catch... Maybe air?
" tomorrow at 7am we will kill her"

They led me back to the room where I was at the beginning. Aclock indicated midlnight. I guessed they wanted to kill me bcs they're not use to strangers from other planets.
I didn't want to die, I mean I know I will die one day but not here! However being dead is a good reason to not do my exile exploration homework!
Now I remember why I was here: it s to explore the blue lost pkanet! Except that my discrete land turned into a loud crash
then aliens caught me! I didn't Even want to go on this planet! We didn't study this planet a lot in class, there are plenty planets cooler than this one!
I should try to escape.I have nothing to lose... But I need to be realist instead of candid! It's impossible that someone appears to help me. I am in reality, not in a random story written by a 17 years old girl.

"I know who you are and I want to help you! I understand if you don't trust in me, but I found a little piece of paper in the asylum director's room" An unknown nurse whispered to me. "Solve the riddle on this piece of paper. find the pass number (of 9 numbers) to unlock the electronic gate of the lab ..."
She gave me the piece of paper and ran to disappear like a ninja. That made perfect sense.

This is what is written on the paper:

You have 1 choice:

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