
Her breath formed little white clouds in front of her mouth. Keeping her green eyes directed towards the muddy ground, Liza hurried through the market. Her pink lips slightly curled as she listened to the melody the all the noises of the market formed. She paused at a stall, expertly lifting a loaf of bread from the display and shoving it in her sack. She had been doing this most of her life; her mother had lefts a year after she was born and father died when she was ten, leaving behind a fortune that her uncle promptly stole and threw her on the streets. She'd been caught a few times before, but she could always charm her way out of trouble. She made her way to the alley she lived in with a few younger kids. Eyes still on the ground, she didn't even realize the man following her until he had his hands around her pale delicate throat. "Sorry sweetheart," The handsome middle aged man whispered as he dragged her to an awaiting carrage. "It's for the best."
Liza woke in an extravagant carrage, dressed in gowns she had only seen noble women wear. However, she was not happy. She glared at her captor, eyes filled with anger. "Where am I?" Her voice was naturally rich and gentle, but she did her best to fill it with anger and injustice. The man smiled. "Heaven." He replied. Liza rolled her eyes. "I won't be a whore you know. I'd rather die first." Her voice had a note of superiority in it. The man barked out a laugh. "Well, aren't we all high and mighty?" He asked. Liza crossed her arms, fuming. "Calm down child," The man said "I haven't taken you to make you into a whore, quite the opposite actually." Liza's eyebrows arched. "You see," He continued sheepishly. "I am the royal advisor from Islvy. I was supposed to be escorting the princess to your country, Dyge's, capital to be married to your prine, but we ran into some bandits, and the princess was killed." His lips curled into a frown. "I tried to save her but it was too late. Luckily, the prince has never seen the princes, Lana, and you resmble her. So, here we are. Child, would you like to become Lana, princess of Islvy?"
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