Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

meteomage meteomage

Ratings & Comments

Dark Secrets by shuttlesworth50 Nov 30, 2008
this is a lot better than many of the stories on this site.
The demon scam by Aki Dec 12, 2007
I really liked this story. I think the numbers and letters system is really good if you are able to fix it.

I really hope you finish this story.
Swordgod by SwordMaster Feb 24, 2007
ummm... try to proofread your work a little.. and also space it out a bit when people are talking... i only read 3 pages because it was hard to follow... i had to re-read most of it twice before I understood what you were trying to say
Escape Artist by apotheosis Feb 16, 2007
Interesting concept, but this isn't the best place to do it... programming in java or something would be much more efficient.

I think there should be some game over endings though. LIke some traps or being killed by the dog or something.
Dream Catchers by Cat2000 Dec 30, 2006