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Aki Aki

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The demon scam by Aki Mar 7, 2006
This story is based on a letter system rather than asking questions like "Did you get hurt?" or "Did you meet this or that person?" in the choices. This is because I think such questions could be spoilers, especially if you want to play again and take a diffent path.

The letter are "neutral" so it's not that easy to know what they stand for, and that is after all the point. But I do realize that it might look a bit unpersonal and that it could be difficult to keep track off. This is a minus that I am willing to deal with though. On the plus side, it means I have to make less rooms, which is a must when you are dealing with several hundred of rooms and over a thousand choices.

Anyway, to the letters. Some of them can be changed during the course of the story, depending on what actions you make, and some of them (the letters I and J in particular) can NOT change, even if you first get an I and then later a J. Your letter will STILL be J. But this is marked especially in the story, so don't worry about it.