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Leftytwo Leftytwo

Ratings & Comments


Most stupid stories on this site are just stupid, but this one at least has a theme/topic.
2 Minutes Left by KingRomero Sep 12, 2015
Good story. Really simple and accurate. GG!
The Stupid Story by magic Sep 11, 2015
This story is the most retarded thing on the planet, and it's hardly PG, for anyone reading.
Mage Quest by Bentenmike Sep 11, 2015


:D Once you go into the forest, the path keeps splitting if you go left. Eternally. But once you go right you fall of a cliff and get impaled by a stake.

The Spartans by spartan008 Sep 11, 2015
Really good story, no loose ends and readable grammar (not perfect, but hey, compared to some other stories this ones OK). I like the plot too.