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The Adventurous McGurn

You circle slowly, batting away his lunges as you get closer to the exit.
With your back facing the doors, you prepare to turn and run but he anticipates your intentions and makes a grab for the stool.
He pulls you closer, unbalancing you, and moves within striking distance.
You gasp as the knife pierces your work clothes and slips under your ribs.
His eyes are locked on yours and he is grinning, saying something, but you can barely hear over the sound of your head pounding and blood rushing through your body. Your clothes become soaked red, spreading from a small circle into a wider pattern, and he pulls the knife away.
He steps back, guiding you gently to the floor.

"I'm sorry, McGurn," he says, as you collapse on the ground. "Its not personal. I just want the money."

He cradles your head in his lap as you lay there, your breath coming in short painful stabs, and the room grows cold.

As the room fades and your eyes close, you realise you are looking forward to the rest.

Your adventure in this world is sadly over.

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