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Interactive Walking Dead Story 2

Welcome to the Second Interactive Walking Dead Story. If you have not already done so, I STRONGLY recommend that you read through the original Interactive Walking Dead story on my profile. This is a continuation of that story, which means that the ending that you choose from that story will carry over into this one. The first choice at the beginning of this story asks for which ending that you would like to start the story with. If you do not remember which ending number goes with a certain ending, you can go back to the original story and read through with the same choices until you reach the ending that you want. At the bottom of each ending, there is a short message that tells what ending number that your ending is. Also, in this story, death does not always mean that the story ends. This is because, unlike the previous story, Rick Grimes is not always the character that you control. Throughout the story at certain scenes, the character that you play as will change and it will be stated in parenthesis when it happens. Therefore, the playable character will be referred to in third person rather than first person because you have the potential to switch to any character throughout the story. This change was made because some endings from the previous story end with the death of Rick Grimes. Thus, continuing from those endings requires you to take control of different characters. In order to keep everything equal for all endings, this change also applies to the endings where Rick survives. Once again, it is IMPERATIVE that you play the original story on my profile before reading this story in order to have the best experience. I hope you enjoy!
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