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Interactive Walking Dead Story

This story starts off at the end of volume 2 of The Walking Dead. For those unfamiliar to the comics, you are Rick Grimes. You have are the leader of a small band of survivors. These survivors include at the moment: Carl Grimes (your son), Lori Grimes (your pregnant wife), Glenn ( a witty scavenger), Tyreese (a strong friend), Julie (Tyreese's daughter), Chris (Julie's boyfriend), Allen (a sad widower with two boys), Billy (one of Allen's sons), Ben (Allen's other son), Carol (a woman in a relationship with Tyreese), Sophia (Carol's daughter), Dale (a wise but tough old man in a relationship with Andrea), and Andrea (Expert sharpshooter and Dale's girlfriend ). You are being helped by a man named Hershel. He has given you food and a home for a while now. However he has accidentally caused the death of two of his children. He, his remaining children (Maggie, Billy, Rachel, and Suzie), and his friends, Otis and Patricia, mourn the loss of the two. Afterwards, Hershel gets into a fight with You and Lori over the right of your group to stay on his farm long-term. He then forces you off of the farm. After awhile you and your group come across a prison. This is where the story begins. Anything previous event in the comics is set in stone to the story but the rest can play out exactly like the comics or an entirely new story can form based on your choice.
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