Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

that interactive story I still care about

We are contained inside of planet Earth. From there were are inside the Milky Way Galaxy, which is one among billions of galaxies inside of our Universe, which is one among billions of Universes in our Multiverse, up to our luck-determining Megaverses, to our overlapping Omniverses.

But the Omniverse, the one Omniverse that exists as the collection of every single Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, dimension (alternate or pocket) and realm, is inside a large, cubic room that is of utmost importance to our existence. Not only our existence, but to all existence, and to all nonexistence, as well as everything that could possibly exist and could never exist. It is called the Box.

This cubic room is stationary, and contains everything. Yes,
everything. It even contains itself.
Take a moment to wrap your head around that.

After all time has passed, along with no time at all since a concept of 'time' is completely human and does not exist away from us, the Box was thrown out of balance by the omniversal, balance-defying act of a single being, creating what can only be described as an impossibly immense disruption- The fabric of the Box was torn. And everything- yes, everything- blacked out.
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