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Madison James and High School

You wake up on Monday morning, the first day of Junior year. You know what high school is like. The drama, the workload, the quirky stories you hear. Your now kind of wiping the crust from your eyes. You are a morning person, after you've had your breakfast that is. You don't understand how people skip meals, you could never. Though, your not fat your skinny and athletic. You run sometimes. It keeps your thighs tight, so you think it's worth it. You look at your phone by instinct. And wonder if you have any messages form Brad. He has such a generic name, but his body makes up for it. Brad is a foot ball player. You like to think he has no ego but every one else sees a jerk by trade. His father dated Katrina Margret's mother. She's a cheer leader and a dancer. You realize that cheer leaders aren't so great, but you were one once. Katrina and Brad dated for about a year but they were off and on all the time. She cheated on him back and forth. He finally ended and a year later he sparks an interest in you. Your up and going now, but not excited. You have to decide what to wear. How do you want people to remember you this year?
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