Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Great Adventure of Aaron Appelapolous

In your rage you attempt to kill Weasley, screaming "RAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGH!!!", charging, and knocking him out of the nearest window. He flies out like a rag doll, arms and legs flailing about him.

"Fooled ya!" you call down to him, and you give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Suddenly you find yourself on your back as a feather duster fires out from under you and through the open window. Your heart sinks as you see the Weasel, smirking and clutching his rainbow coloured feather duster, hovering in the air just outside the window.

"That was a good one!" he calls out, "But why don't you try this baby on for size?"

With a wave of his boney hand, Ricky summons a large gun and shoots you stone dead.
End Of Story