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Foresight by donteatpoop
It's bad enough that you're nearsighted, fat, and poor. You don't want to be the crazy kid too.

You remain seated and finish off the last of your chicken nuggets. Something in the back of your head goes off, like a warning beacon, but you ignore it. Next thing you know there will be voices instead of warning signals, you figure.

A moment later a hand grabs the hair on the back of your head and shoves your face down into the pile of mashed potatoes on your lunch tray. He rubs your face into it for a few seconds before letting go. His friends are snickering.

You sit up, a clump of potato falling from your face to the lunch table, and look at the person beside you. It is no surprise to see that the person in question is Robert.

"Ah, Denny," He says, "I see you are starting eating like the pig you are."

His friends laugh hysterically.

You bite back a retort and remove your glasses to wipe your mashed potato covered face on a napkin. You get up out of your seat and head for the restroom to clean up more thoroughly.

You wash every last bit of the potato from your face and clean your glasses out in the sink. You stare into the mirror at your pitiful self and start to cry a little. You try to stop the tears, but they come anyway. You hate how weak you are, but that fucking Robert Malone... He's so damn mean to you. All the time too, you never get a fucking break.

After recovering from your sob fit you decide that you utterly hate your life and the world.

You step out of the restroom and into the hall where Robert is standing with his back to you. He is at one of the vending machines, getting a cola or something.

As he bends over you cannot deny the temptation to shove him into the machine. You are sure it would hurt him, but his friends are all around him and will likely beat the snot out of you.

You run the back of your sleeve across your nose and sniffle as you do so. Fucking Robert Malone. He's such an asshole.

You think back briefly to the time he shoved your head into one of the men's room toilets after first taking a huge shit in it. It was the worst swirlie you have ever received in your life.

Maybe shoving him into the machine would be worth the beating that will undoubtedly follow after all. You take a step forward and then rethink it. You're not a stupid person; this cannot end with a good result for you.

But that doesn't mean you don't want to do it. He is just about to stand now...
Rush forward and shove him forward into the machine.
End Of Story

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