Sanity Killer

You buy a watermelon and save each and every seed. You decide to spit them at people. First you spit them at an old woman, who turns and gasps, choking on it and falling over. Then you spit it at a baby. The baby hits it away, making it fall onto a button that activates the trapdoor UNDER the baby. It falls down... down... down...
THEN you spit it at the manager. He catches it with his hand and looks at you, going into battle mode. He grows to twice his size and pummels you with half-off stickers that are so sticky they never can be pulled off your skin. Eventually, someone sees the giant half-off-off-off-off-off item and buys you, and you live your life watching the models of the playboy mansion- until of course you need to go to the bathroom, and when you can't hold it any longer one of them freaks out and kicks you into the pool. Not able to move... you...
End Of Story