Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

You pull a Propane Tank off of the door, taking particular care to make sure you pick a full one. Who knows if these things have been leaking, or used in other places, or what...but the fact remains that some of the tanks are empty. You consider opening the valve, but decide against it. The flamethrower will work no matter what you do to the tank.

You pull off the flamethrower, walk a considerable distance backward, and press the trigger. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to have a very considerable range. With your finger on the trigger, you step closer and closer to the propane tank, wondering when you'll get in close enough range to burn the tank. You can't really see, but you realize that the flames will ignite the tank eventually.

With a defeaning BOOM! and an impressive ball of fire, you've managed to use the propane tank to create a fiery explosion which managed to blow up sections on boths sides of the hallway.

You're not really sure where these new passages lead, though. You are now a corpse charred beyond recognition.

Remind me again why you thought creating an explosion in a narrow hallway was a good idea?
End Of Story