Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Hall of Infinite Doors

You feel awkward, like you are changing form. You lose the ability to stand and fall face-down into the snow. You feel a crack on your head. Then, you doze off into a deep sleep...
You wake up to find yourself lifted up from the cold snow. Looking down, you seem to have traded your arms and legs for longer, thinner hoofed ones. You think you're hallucinating, so you look for a stream. You rise up and walk around, and you make it for about two seconds before you fall back down. You wonder what that was for, so you reluctanty agree to follow your dream and stubbornly lower yourself to all fours, and head for a stream. You find it easier to walk.
at a stream, you again agree to play along, so you lower your head to take a sip of the water, but before your nose goes in, a small deer with a broken off horn and a short, forked one on the other looks up at you. You think you are starting to go crazy, so you charge right into a large oak tree, and a small, forked horn falls right in front of your face. You begin to think you're actually a deer. What do you want to do now?
End Of Story