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The Mold

You quickly scramble up the nearest tree to try to get away from the bear. The bear reaches the base of the tree and starts to roar and claw at the tree but is unable to climb up. The tree is larger enough so that the bear will not be able to knock it down to reach you. For the moment you are safe. Time passes by and still the bear remains at the base. It continues to roar and claw at the tree and then you notice three cubs walk over to it. That must be why it attacked you, you came to close to its cubs and it responded with defense. It must be a mother bear and they can be the most dangerous of all. After a few more minutes goes by you begin to realize this bear isn't leaving until it takes you with it. Scrambling for an idea, you notice a large beehive hanging on the edge of a nearby branch. You pull off a smaller branch and use it as an implement with which to knock down the larger beehive. If you orchestrate this properly you will knock the bee hive onto the bear and the hundreds of stings should be enough to drive it away. Unfortunately you underestimate the strength of the nest and it does not fall. Instead, a swarm of angry hornets emerge and after a couple hundred stings the venom level in your blood stream becomes lethal.
End Of Story