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She didn't think she had much chance of activating it, even if it did work. It was pitch black, and Jezirea didn't have any knowladge of the workings of golems, but if she worked at it, she could probably move it.

She stepped back for a moment to think. She could probably tip it over, using it's own weight against it, and then if she was lucky, she would be able to slide it across the slick black floor. It would be hard, but certainly easier than trying to lift the damn thing.

Without any thought as to how she would even get out of this catacomb, she used all her strength and pushed against the golem's chest. She gave an internal cheer as she felt it tip, and then pulled away.

She didn't even see it coming in the darkness, when the golem rocked on its base and tipped back towards her, successfully falling over this time.

The weight of the golem impacted hard against Jezirea, crushing bone, and pinning her to the floor.

End Of Story