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Arena by donteatpoop
You are James "The Terror" Parker, a former professional wrestler. You fight men everyday. You are certain that this Arena will be little more than a new terrain on which you can have your battles.

You awaken to the sound of a voice speaking to you from the black sky above. The sound of rushing water is not far from you. You are totaly blind. There are no sounds beyond the voice and the nearby water source.

"Welcome to the Arena, freinds. The contest will officialy begin when I am finished speaking. Around you are your starting items; a pack, a kerosine lighter, a compass, an army knife, two canteens of water, and a days rationing of food. There are 200 hundred contestants in here, we will update you on how the contest is progressing through the loud speakers. Feel free to explore anywhere you like, as the contest progresses we will begin pushing all of you towards the center. No more than four can claim the prize at the end. Every inch of this place is on camera and being sent to a massive viewing office back on Earth, so bear that in mind. Remember, the prize is waiting for you at the end of the road. I wish all of you luck."

Silence. You look around, but everything is still shrouded in darkness. "Let there be light!", the voice booms overhead.

And suddenly there is light.

You rise to your feet and take in your surroundings. An artificial sun shines down from above, illuminating a forrest behind you and a river before you. On the other side of the river is more woodland.

You gather your items and stuff them into your pack. Except for the compass. You look at the compass and attempt to get your bearings straight. The river flows to the West.
End Of Story

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