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Arena by donteatpoop
You are Dr. Metzger, a middle aged and genetically enhanced human. Before the World Army disrupted your experimental cult, you were fashioning the cult members to align with God's ultimate genetic plan. That's what you told them anyway.

You wake up to utter darkness at the sound of a voice from overhead; "Welcome to the Arena, friends. The contest will officially begin when I am finished speaking. Around you are your starting items; a pack, a kerosene lighter, a compass, an army knife, two canteens of water, and a days rationing of food. There are 200 hundred contestants in here; we will update you on how the contest is progressing through the loud speakers. Feel free to explore anywhere you like, as the contest progresses we will begin pushing all of you towards the center. No more than four can claim the prize at the end. Every inch of this place is on camera and being sent to a massive viewing office back on Earth, so bear that in mind. Remember, the prize is waiting for you at the end of the road. I wish all of you luck."

Silence. You look around, but everything is still shrouded in darkness. "Let there be light!", the voice booms overhead.

And suddenly there is light.

Light shines down from above, mimicking sunlight above the canopy of trees overhead. How ironic, you muse, they have started me off in my home.

You are in a jungle-like area. Trees are everywhere around you. It takes you only minutes to find your equipment, and you load your food rations, canteens, and kerosene lighter into your pack. You keep the army knife in hand, however. It's probably best to keep it in hand.

Glancing down at your compass you look around the area. You know which way the center of the arena is, but you still have no idea where you are.

Everything here looks real enough, and upon closer inspection you find that the surrounding trees and foliage are genuine species that you encountered in the Amazon, though slightly altered. You wonder if the altercations are due to the low gravity on the moon. You walk in a completely random direction; wherever the path will take you. walking on for about an hour without anything really happening.

You hear a rustling in the foliage behind you and the slight growl that you recall from the early days in the Amazon. A panther.

You wonder what they are feeding the animals out here...

What do you do?
End Of Story

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