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Heroes in a Half Shell by donteatpoop
You decide to let him go. He's a ninja turtle after all. He has too much integrity to fall further into the paralells of drug abuse when his companions so desperatley need his help.

You go about your normal daily tasks, feeling good about your contribution to the turtle hole, meditation followed by brainstorming for new inventions to assist you and your turtle brothers in the fight against evil.

A few hours pass by before Michaelangelo is in your lab once more, geeked out of his mind, his eyes almost entirely consumed by his pupils. "Dude..." He says to you. He's tripping you realise immediatley. The fucking bastard. You trusted him with the acid and this is the thanks you get. "There's a big... Giant fucking alligator in the sewars. It's huge!"

You have half a mind to knock him on his ass. "You dropped the acid, didn't you?" You ask.

"What? Yeah, but..."

"I can't fucking believe you, Mike. I really can't. I gave you that stuff so that you could raise some money for us. So that we could repair this shit hole of a sewer we live in. I mean look around you, these aren't exactly ideal living conditions."

"But Donatello..." He stammers.

"But nothing, fuck bucket! You fuck everything up. I come in here this morning to catch you smoking pot, and now you come to me all strung out on acid... I can't believe I let you talk me into making that shit just so that you could get your psychadelic jollies." You preach on.

You hear a crash outside your lab, followed by screams.

"It's here." He says to you, the fear evident in his tone. "It followed me here." He covers his head with his hands. "What have I done?"

"You haven't done anything." You say to him. "Someone probably just knocked over your tower of pizza boxes."

"No," Michaelangelo says, "You don't understand. I saw it with my own eyes. It's a giant man eating alligator. And it followed me here."

"You're hallucinating Mike. This is exactly why you weren't supposed to take any of it. I told you it was strong."

"Open the door then." He says to you. "If you don't believe me, open the door and see for yourself."

You have half a mind to do just that.
He's tripping his balls off, and you need to watch him while he is out of his wits so that he doesn't hurt himself. Stay in here with him.
End Of Story

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