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The Sword of the Northwest

You bow your head and your heart is saddened when you read what Jesus did for you and how he died on the cross because he spoke the words of love. You then say.

Lord I know I'm a sinner.
Please forgive me of what I've done.
Come in to my life Jesus. I know that your the only way to heaven.
Wash me in the blood of the lamb.
I repent and will stop living for myself
But live for you Jesus.
Make me new.
I am accepting you in to my life.
In Jesus name. Amen

If you don't know Jesus or have walked away from him you need to find him. He is the only way to truth and happiness and to heaven. If you are tired of living a life of pain, emptiness, and lonliness please say the prayer above. Find a bible and read it. And if you haven't go see the "Passion Of the Christ" by Mel Gibson. It is a life changing movie.

This has been a message from Mirar1. If you want to talk just email me or write me. Peace out
End Of Story