
When Henry pushes you, you look confused at first, but then your expression turns to anger. Then your emotions soon follow...

You punch Henry straight in the nose causing it to explode in a gout of blood! Henry screams when he sees all that blood gushing from his nose. You don't just stop there though, you then take his pinky finger and break it. At this point you are drawing a crowd, while some others go to fetch a teacher.

You slam Henry's head into the hard ground until his skull cracks. Henry's already unconscious at this point, but you continue to kick him in the stomach until a teacher finally pulls you off, at which point to go quietly.

This act of wild unleashed anger gets you in severe trouble, namely prison for attempted murder. You don't seem to mind though, Its a structured environment that you're used to, and you welcome the chance to unleash your endless pent up anger on your fellow inmates.

Another day arrives in your cell you feel fury...
End Of Story