Extend the Story - Add a Room

Vampires and A.F.I. by Kitty
Going against all your instinct you drag Adam down the hall to Jade's bedroom. You press your ear up against the door and hear Davey and Jade in the room.
"Arisa we need to leave now before they hear us!" Adam whispers.
"They won't hear us if we dont talk! and theya re having to much fun in there to even hear us." You say.
YOu listen for about 15 more minutes and then decide to go back into your room. But later that night you sneak back out to listen again. But this time all you hear is the soft breathing of Jade and Davey. YOu creak the door open to see Jade's head on Davey's bare chest. Davey has his arms around Jade and looks like he had fallen asleep kissing Jade's head.
'Oh how cute.' you think to yourself.
Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder. You jump and turn around to see Adam.
"Arisa! I thought I told you not to look at them, they are addicting to see like that." Adam says.
Why did Adam just say that?? Do you ask him or do oyu go back to sleep.
Ok Adam I am going back to bed.
End Of Story

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