Extend the Story - Add a Room

Vampires and A.F.I. by Kitty
Later that night you run into Adam's room.
"Adam I can't keep this a secret from my friends! And I kinda want to get a picture of them making out. I love it when gay guys make out."
"Look ok Davey is the gay one Jade just likes to kiss him!! Jade told me that he feels a weird attraction to Davey!!" Adam says in a hushed voice."Hunter doesnt know yet!I found out on accident!"
"How did you find out?" You ask.
"I kinda walked in on them doing somthing." Adam says clearing his throat.
"ADAM!!That is why you knock on the door." YOu say.
"I know. But oyu cant tell anyone!"
All of a sudden you and Adam hear strange noices coming from Jade's room.
You look at Adam. What should you do??
Well if it is Davey and Jade we should give them some private time. But ont he otehr hand...
End Of Story

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