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Detective Wolf and the Flatwoods Fighter by Salazool
The smiling face of Detective Esooz gleamed back at Wolf, as the sun began to settle behind his head, giving the illusion of him having a halo. He was on the river bank and exhausted. Seeing that face certainly did not help with that.

"How'd you find me?" He asked, knowing he would hate the answer.

"Oh, I tracked you through the murder of Mr Kenwood, and attempted murder on Ms Kenwood."

"So they're acknowledging it's a murder?"
Esooz gave a raspy chuckle, as if he was some old trickster spirit rather than an up and coming detective far, far, too smart for his own good.

"No. Right this moment the only people who know the truth are me, you, and the killer. Well...maybe Ms Kenwood, but she's in a coma currently, and the arriving paramedics just focused on bringing her to HR, so no one even knows about the bomb, which, I'm guessing from the tile in her arm stump was placed in the bathroom?"

"The painting specifically, but yeah." Wolf could almost hear Esooz celebrate himself internally at his deduction being proven correct.

"Ah, well, I'll let you lay here while I get that guy. By the way do you know who the killer is, partner, because I figured out around the time you went to the house?"
End Of Story

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