Extend the Story - Add a Room

It's marvellous to grow! by Jackie
As Jason stepped into the hallway, his eyes were drawn to the obscene, prominent bulge in Sam's shorts. It was noticeably large, and Jason blushed at the sight. He could make out the details, his "sausage" a meter long, snaking down one pant leg, a pair of nearly tennis ball sized testicles compressed underneath. Aside from the bulge, his figure had remained the same. The same broad shoulders, the same burly arms, the same chubby frame that made him look more like a teddy bear than a football player. But the change in his groin area was undeniable.

"Hey, Sam," Jason called his voice cracking slightly.

He had not suspected this...

Sam looked up, grinning, his teeth gleaming. "What's up, little bro?" he said, bringing Jason into a tight bear hug. "Missed me?"

Jason felt his cheeks burn as Sam's bulge pressed against him. His discomfort grew as Sam squeezed tighter, the bulge digging into his hip, making him acutely aware it. He squirmed slightly in discomfort.

"Yeah, I missed you," Jason replied, his voice muffled by Sam's chest. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. "You've, uh, been working out?"

Sam chuckled, releasing him. "More than just the gym, bro," he said, slapping his own ass playfully. "College life's been good to me, I guess."

Jason stepped back, his eyes lingering on the bulge, which seemed to have grown even more prominent as Sam adjusted his stance.

Jason tried to shake off the awkwardness. "It's definitely... noticeable," he said with a forced laugh.

Sam's grin widened, his eyes twinkling mischievously, noticing how his younger brother was staring at his new enlarged malehood. "You should see it when it's not cooped up in these shorts," he said, grabbing the waistband and tugging it down slightly, revealing a hint of dark pubic hair. "College has had some unexpected perks, right?"

Jason tore his gaze away in embarrassment, his cheeks now a deep shade of red. He couldn't believe his brother was talking about his dick so casually. Sam boasted a lot in his life, but never about something this vulgor.

"I, uh, I don't need to see that," he stuttered, trying to look anywhere but at the bulge. "How did you...make it so big?"

Sam's grin grew even wider, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's all about the protein, man," he said, tugging at the bulge. "And maybe some other things I picked up in college."

"Like what things?" Jason asked.

"Some "enhancement" supplements," said Sam. "It truly made my package into a monster!"

"Well...good for you," said Jason and left, trying to escape the converstation that caused so much discomfort in him.
Jason goes to the living room and Sam spies on him
End Of Story

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