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It's marvellous to grow! by Jackie
When Jason saw Sam, his eyes widened in shock. His brother looked... younger. Much younger. The once towering figure of a man had shrunk back down to the size he had been in high school, the broad shoulders and muscular frame replaced with the chubby, almost fat, physique that he had as a teenager. Sam looked at his nothing was wrong, grinning happily in fact.

"Hey, big bro!" Sam boomed, his voice still deep but with a childlike lilt to it, Jason's confusion only worsening.

"Big bro?" he thought, too stunned to speak

Jason's eyes darted over Sam's body, noticing the faded football jersey that had once been too tight around his chest now hanging loose like a dress shirt, almost covering his lower half, but it would appear that Sam was wearing underwear.

"Sam," Jason managed to croak out with bewilderment, "what happened to you?"

Sam's grin grew wider, his cheeks puffing out like a chipmunk's. "You wouldn't believe it, big bro," he said, "I found this crazy youth potion! It's supposed to make you feel young again, but it turns out it actually makes you look young, too! Can you believe it?"

Jason stared at him, his brain struggling to process the information. "A...youth potion?" he echoed.

Sam nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yeah, isn't it amazing? I found it at this weird antique shop downtown. The owner said it was a family heirloom that had been passed down for generations, and it was supposed to bring back your youth. I figured it was a scam at first, but when I tried it, everything changed!" He paused dramatically, looking down at his transformed body. "Look at me now!"

Jason took a step back, his gaze still locked on Sam. "But...what will you do now that you are younger, Sam? How will you explain this to mom and dad? How will you do football in college?"

Sam's eyes clouded over with a hint of doubt, but the grin never left his face. "Well, I've been thinking about that. I know it sounds crazy, but maybe this is a chance for a fresh start. I was never really happy with football, you know? It was just something everyone expected of me. Maybe now I can try something else."

"But what about mom and dad?"

Sam's smile faltered for a moment, but quickly regained its strength. "I'll figure it out. Maybe I can tell them I've been hiding a twin all along, or something like that. I mean, it's not like I can just say 'Oh, by the way, I drank a potion and turned into a teenager again'."

Jason was speechless. He went to the kitchen and sat down while his now YOUNGER brother stared at him for a moment before shrugging his pudgy shoulders and going to the living room to watch TV.

This had to be a dream...it had to be...
Sam decides to see this "youth potion" for himself
End Of Story

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