Extend the Story - Add a Room

It's marvellous to grow! by Jackie
Sam emerged from the living room, but he looked like he had put on some muscle: his arms bulged noticeably along with his prominent pecs. He wore his usual tank top and shorts, but his chubby gut was all bit gone, replaced by a six pack.

Both you and him looked equally suprised bumping into ach other, but a large grin broke across Sam's chiseled face.

"Jason!" the jock cried out happily and suddenly wrapped his muscular arms around his little brother, bringing him into a very tight, almost painful hug

"It's good to see you too, bro," Jason managed to gasp out. "Sam...too..tight..."

Sam, realizing what was happening, let go and said, "Sorry, I don't know my own strength yet. Anyway, how my twig of a brother doing?"

"Eh, getting by?" Jason said with a shrug, "I've missed you."

"Of course you have," said Sam as he poked Jason with strong finger, making him take a step bawards, "Your life is pretty dull without me."

That hurt, but it was true. Sam was the one who did make Jason's life a bit more adventurous.

"Anyway, I'm gonna make myself a healthy smoothie," the jock said, "You are welcome to hang out with me and hear all about my escapades at college...or just go to your room and shut yourself in as usual..."

What did Jason do?
Jason goes to his room
End Of Story

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