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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
An Ammusing Park

By: Drakin

“That's it?” Morgana's words seemed somehow both accusing and disappointing as she stood with the crew at the stern of the ship as Darious carefully guided their vessel towards their destination. “That's really it?”

The object of her concern was the island the wind was carrying them towards. At a distance it looked like little more than a large barren rock with black cliffs that extended three times the height of the main sail. There wasn't even a proper port, just a few docks and some shacks set up against a large gap in the cliff face where a few boats were moored up.

“I have to admit, I expected something more...,” Leeko struggled for a moment to think of the right word before settling on, “Hospitable.”

“Like I said,” Darious smiled, “This place is a bit of a secret. They have to spread their location by rumors as well as trusted salesmen and women, because if word ever got out to the larger public, someone declare it 'a pit of debauchery and hedonistic filth in need of cleansing'.”

“Seriously?” Mila looked a little taken aback by that.

“Oh yes,” Darious nodded, “The informant I spoke to admitted some of those really religious groups have already caught wind of it and there's a campaign by the owners to spread as much misinformation as possible so the group sounds crazy while trying to rally support. Much easier than trying to deny it exists at all.”

“Wait, I think I see now,” Morgana noted, having only half been listening, “It's behind the cliffs isn't it?”

“Indeed,” Darious nodded, “The whole island is a collapsed volcano. The outer ring of cliffs are a sheer wall that prevents outsiders from looking in. An almost perfect hiding place.”

“Even the cove is somewhat hidden,” Leeko added in agreement, “This side of the island faces away from the major shipping lanes. A ship would have to be blown well of course to come around this side of the island.”

There was little further discussion as Darious steered the ship in close and Morgana, Mila, and Leeko moved to take in the sails and slow the progress of the ship as it drifted up to the docks. Up close there was even less indication of anything special about the place. The few docks, led right up to a rickety looking platform with just a few small shacks that, at a glance, looked like they might fall over at any moment. It looked like a the remains of a small fishing village hat had fallen on hard times.

However the crew had barely rolled down the gangplank when a sound alerted them to the far side of the bay as, to everyone's surprise, another ship rounded the cliffs blowing a loud whistle.

“Why I'll be,” Darious marveled looking at the ship puffing smoke from twin smokestacks and a low rumble of churning water came from kicked up sprays caused from two spinning wheels on either side of the vessel, “It's a paddle boat. I never imagined I'd see one on the open sea.”

The ship drew closer, blowing it's whistle again. And as it neared the dock the crew could see quite the gaggle of passengers on the deck. And quite the selection, everything refined outfits of moderately wealthy to the tattered coats and worn trousers of the working class. Most seemed friendly though, some even offering smiling waves and calls to the crew as they drew near.

“I though this place was a secret?” Morgana asked the captain.

“A 'public secret',” he clarified, “They have to have a steady stream of customers to maintain it after all. But knowledge of it can't go through traditional channels after all. Paddle ships don't do well in rough weather, but they can sail at any time and are much faster than a sailing ship. These must be folks who wanted to 'sneak away' quickly before anyone could find out.”

As the paddle boat pulled up behind their own ship and began to dock, Leeko looked a little nervous. “A lot of guests. What if one of them tries to sneak onto out ship and rob us while we're in the park?”

“No worries,” Darious nodded to the shack nearby. While their eyes had been focused on the paddle boat, most of the crew had missed the emergence of a pair of large burly gators from the shacks. They were dressed like fishermen, but their build indicated something more like guards. One looked at Darious and gave a smile and a nod as he tipped his straw hat back.

“They want guests to feel safe so they return,” Darous noted as they walked down onto the dock, “The ship won't be touched while we're in the park. And just as an added precaution I've locked all the hatches and doors and stowed the 'valuables' somewhere safe.”

“Well you're the captain,” Morgana shrugged as the moved to join the throng of other guests.

Mingling with the crowd the crew walked up the docks and followed the marked path to the large craggy gap in the cliff. It was actually more of a cave but the pointed top was high enough up it made little difference. The walk through the tunnel was surprisingly short, barely five minutes, before the light and sounds of the far end reached them, and the crew emerged into a little field on the edge of the most amazing sight.

The park was massive. It had to cover the entire interior of the island and that was at least four or five miles wide. The field they were on was raised slightly with the entrance just ahead and a flight of stairs leading down into the park proper. From the field they could see all sorts of things. Roller-coasters, carousels, rows of tents for mini-games and confections of all kinds, buildings for different shows and attractions like fun houses and mirror mazes. And so much more.

As they got closer Mila noticed a sign by the park entrance with a few rules listed in a series of bulletin points. And right away the feline noticed some odd rules.

- This park is for adults of consenting age. No children are allowed in. If you see someone with a “youthful” appearance, do not fret. They are of age regardless of looks.

- Any intimate moments between park goers must be consensual. Failure to respect other park goers personal boundaries will result in severe punishment.

- No shaming of personal tastes are allowed. The staff kindly requests all 'dirty' or 'unsanitary' interests not be indulged in the park to maintain a clean environment. So if you make a mess, clean it up.

At the very bottom though was the oddest rule of all though.

- By entering this park you agree to leave all 'hang-up', 'issues' and 'prejudices' behind. If you don't like someone having fun, that's your problem, not theirs.

And under that in a font almost too small for her to read until they were just passing it was added:

management is not responsible for undoing any and all alterations or transformations that occur while at the park.

“Are you sure this place is safe, captain?” Mila asked, a bit uncertain as Darious paid the entrance fee for the crew and paid the rather bored looking alligator at the booth.

“Truth be told, not entirely,” he admitted, “But we needed to come all the same. I have a strong instinct that one or more of the coins we're looking for it here at the park.”

“Then how do we find them?” Leeko ask as they started down the steps into the park proper.

“I might have some suggestions.”

The crew turned to see the form of a green gecko girl behind them on the steps. “Sorry I couldn't help overhearing,” she added with a sincere smile as she brushed aside her bright orange hair.

“Well maybe then you can listen to this,” Morgana growled reaching for her dagger.

“Whoa now deary,” the gecko smiled, “Any fighting will get you punished by the park staff. And you don't want that. I'm here to help. You can call me Tam-Tam.”

“And why should we follow your advice?” Darious asked as they continued down the steps, not wanting to block the entrance with more guests coming.

“Why not?” Tam-Tam shrugged, “What was your plan for finding the treasure anyway?”

“The coins want to be gathered,” Darious stated, “We'll be drawn to them or vice versa.”

“So you'll just wander around until you find them?” Tam-Tam smirked, “Good luck then. That may take days, if you're lucky. Possibly a week if you aren't.”

Darious winced a little. He didn't want to admit it out loud, but the price of the tickets had been costly. And he had splurged for a three day pass (which thankfully included food), but it had all but wiped them out financially. They could not risk spending a week at the park. And it was big enough there was no guarantee they could check every inch of it.

“We may stand a chance if we're methodical,” Leeko noted pointing to a nearby map that had little fold-able ones free to take, “We go around the park in an even pattern and check every ride and game.”

“We could also split up,” Morgana suggested, “Just let our instincts guide us like the captain suggested. If the coins want to be found then maybe not consciously trying to find them will draw us to them.

What to do?

1.) Search the park together as a group. Starting point: The nearest Roller-coaster

2.) Search the park together as a group. Starting point: the midway of games

3.) Search the park together as a group. Starting point: The maze of mirrors

4.) Search the park together as a group. Starting point: The food stalls.

5.) Search the park together as a group. Starting point: The haunted house.

6.) Search the park together as a group. Starting point: The carousel.

7.) Split up into pairs to search the park. (Tam-Tam tags along on one team.)

8.) Split up and search the park as individuals (chose who you'll follow.)

9.) Follow Tam-Tam's advice and see where she suggests they go.
More choices.
End Of Story

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