Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Balloon Gecko Gal

By: Drakin

“Ooh, that feels weird,” Tam-Tam muttered, and then felt a burp travel up her throat. Then another. The third she tried to hold and after a brief struggle managed to swallow. In doing so though her belly suddenly expanded with a soft 'FOOMPH' to the size of a watermelon.

“What in the world?” Tam-Tam marbled and then gave a sudden hiccup, her belly expanding larger. Another hiccup and the sash around her waist came undone, her hips and tail beginning to widen as well.

More hiccups followed uncontrollably and with each one she swelled larger, growing puffy throughout. All the while Morgana's smile turned into a grin, and then a laugh as a hiccup popped Tam-Tam's top at last exposing bouncing jiggling breasts the size of pumpkins.

Still she grew bigger and bigger, and Mila began to notice a transparency overtake Tam-Tams form. Starting in her too stretched stomach and spreading outwards. By the time her back hit the ceiling the faint impressions of objects behind her could be seen through her torso and the transparency had begun to spread to her limbs.

Finally her hiccups slowed enough for her to get out, “Don't just stand there *hic* you two. Do something! *hic* Stop these dam *hic* hiccups somehow.”

Mila was forced to obey with the first idea that came to mind. Reaching up with her new jelly-like arm she pressed it into Tam-Tams mouth, working it down her throat. It. For a moment Tam-Tam shuddered like the hiccups were still coming, but then they did stop.

However a new sensation gripped Mila's arm and with a powerful sucking feeling drawing her in, Tam-Tam unintentionally slurped up the slime girl. Her form rolled down Tam-Tam's bloated neck and pooled inside her ballooned form. She thumped the inside of Tam-Tam's stomach looking for a way out as Morgana pressed her hands to Tam-Tams side, looking at Mila through the gecko's stretched scales.

“Get me out of here,” Mila called with a muffled yell.

“No,” Tam-Tam countered, “There's no time. Roll me out of this room, or find where those darts came from. I'll pop for sure if I'm stuck again.”

“Wouldn't that just be tragic,” Morgana muttered sarcastically. But still under Tam-Tam's magic she had to do one or the other despite a desire to let it happen.

Choice 1: Morgana begins trying to roll Tam-Tam out of the room. But the scientist isn't done with them yet.

Choice 2: Morgana goes looking for the source of the darts with Milas guidence, but might get stuck several times before she can stop them.

Choice 3: Morgana fails to stop the darts and Tam-Tam pops (Morgana: “yay”) but reforms a moment latter (Morgana: “boo”) as a living balloon, still able to produce milk somehow.

Choice 4: MilaTwo and Leeko have had enough and make their move against the scientist.
Something Else?
End Of Story

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