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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
A Bat's Eye Perspective on Expansion

By: Drakin

It took Tam_Tam a moment to discern the difference between her own milk and Mila's but as an initial sip turned into one swallow after another she had to admit that, while similar, there was something wholly unique to Mila's milk. One gulp after another followed as she told herself she was merely attempting to define the flavor, but in truth it was just that hard to resist.

Morgana meanwhile had just finally managed to claw her way back up to Tam-Tam's cleavage after having been buried between the twin brown mountains, the short hairs not making for very good handholds. But as she wrestled her way out she felt the 'ground' around her heave and shift with Tam-Tam's milk chugging.

Then it began to press in on her again.

Morgana struggled to heave herself further before she was swallowed in breast flesh once more (part of her hated the fact she found some tiny amount of pleasure in the experience. But the hills were growing almost as fast as she could make her way out. And the rumbling gurgling all around her that had just been the bovine's milk production was now mixed with a sound similar to rubber boots squelching through mud.

As her hips sank again into cleavage Morgana understood what was happening. Tam-Tam was growing bigger.

From her tiny perspective she couldn't guess how much or where, but looking up at the the bovines face, now looming like a carved monument above her, the bat could see Tam-Tam continuing to guzzle the milk as her face rounded and a new double chin sank into view.

A small slip of the bottle as she finished sent a splash of milk barely a few drops large, tumbling down onto Morgana's head and soaking her face. Involuntarily she swallowed a couple mouthfuls as she sank again into the new acreage of breast flesh. Her mind only then registering the delicious taste that danced on her tongue as her small frame began to tingle.


Up above at normal height Tam-Tam polished off the last of the bottle with a contented sigh, “My word Mila, I must say I enjoy my own milk but yours is simply delectable.”

She stiffed a belch as she patted a belly that now jutted like a beach-ball and sagged like an apron of fat to brush against her thicker thighs. With one bottle she had gone from a faintly chubby but curvy cow to a bountifully Bessie of bovine blubber. Not gigantic, but her frame could have held two of her previous size at least and her clothes now strained to barely make an effort ad decency.

“Um, thank you,” Mila blushed, uncertain how to respond as her eyes roamed across the bigger Tam-Tam, unsure why she was feeling the way she did, “I suppose I'll be making more as long as I have these.” She cupped her breasts and gave them a bounce, new milk already filling them sloshing faintly.

“Well I definitely want more as soon as you refill,” Tam-Tam smiled, “But I do hope this helps convince you I have your and Morgana's best interests at heart. Speaking of which, I suppose I should check on that little... Oh!”

Tam-Tam stopped as she felt the most curious sensation between her breasts, right where she'd tucked the tiny bat. Something felt strange...

Choice 1: At Morgana's tiny size Mila's milk is even more fattening. The small bat blows up into an immobile blubber ball the size of a small melon.

Choice 2: Mila's milk has a different effect on Morgana. Morgana shrinks again. How small will she get?

Choice 3: Mila's milk has a different effect on Morgana. The tiny bat grows breasts bigger than her whole body.

Choice 4: Mila's milk has a different effect on Morgana. She begins transforming in some weird or unusual way.
Morgana grows gigantic breasts on her small frame
End Of Story

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