Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292

By: sup

"I do like the sisters idea. Okay, then let's do this. I command you to become a gecko like me then." Tam-Tam smiled.

Mila felt her body tingle all over as her fur was quickly being replaced with tan colored scales all across her body. Her thin tail widening and becoming pointed to be more lizardlike like Tam-Tams. Her muzzle widened a bit to match that of a lizards. While most of her scales were a dark tan, her muzzle and underbelly were colored with a lighter color of scales.

"Wow...this feels...kinda nice actually." Mila blushed as Tam-Tam pulled her in close for a hug.

"See, darling? Its nicer to be like me than some fur covered thing." Tam-Tam said.

"Do not get me wrong...I do like my other form but I suppose I could get used to this for awhile." Mila said blushing at how close Tam-Tam was.

"Now...since we're both here with comparing species and all, let's get back to our main thing here." Tam-Tam said as the trio continued on deeper into the mansion as they continued to search until...
They discover a hidden key somewhere
End Of Story

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