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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Trying to Escape and Getting a Chance for Fun

By: Drakin

“You and me are going to have some fun,” Tam-Tam smiled teasingly and then caught sight of Mila inching towards the door. “Ah, stop right there Mila.”

The feline halted in her tracks but gave a worried groan.

“Why so worried?” Tam-Tam smiled as she stepped over to her, “I might have control, but I'm not cruel. I'm not going to order you to do something you'd hate.”

Mila bit her lip until Tam-Tam added, “You may speak freely.”

“You say that now,” Mila winced a little as the words flowed out of her, “But what about later? You know what they say about absolute power.”

“But it's not 'absolute' dear,” Tam-Tam reassured her, even as she pressed the squirming Morgana deeper into her cleavage, “I can command you to say or do things, or even change your body, but it's not like I could wave my hand and command everyone in the world.”

She briefly pondered the idea of getting her milk into everyone in a form of world domination, but decided in the end A.) it would be too hard or take years to pull off, and B.) world domination seemed like such a headache when one considered running every business and government in existence.

Better to just have her own little group of playthings for now.

“All the same,” Mila pressed on, “You're dominating us, taking away our free will. We're you're puppets at this point.”

“Nonsense,” Tam-Tam replied, “You have your personalities, your feelings, your hopes and dreams...” She neglected to mention the fact she could edit any of them if she desired, “Anyway this is all just a new toy for us to enjoy.”

“On that you have total control over.”

“Alright how about this.” Tam-Tam smiled, “As a show of this all being in good fun, without asking for you or Morgana to be freed from this magic or to be able to tell anyone else about it, tell me something YOU want me to change about you or Morgana. Not including growing her back to normal just yet of course.”

Mila felt compelled by the magic to think about it, her mind turning over with old desires and fantasies she'd never been able to indulge and applying them to herself and Morgana.

In the end she finally decided and said...

Choice 1: “I've been curious about getting really fat, but I don't want to be immobile...” Tam-Tam grants Mila the ability to change her girth, but regardless of how fat she gets her blubber will be as soft and light as marshmallow fluff.

Choice 2: “I've been curious about having big breasts... like you do.” Tam-Tam grants her request and Mila's breasts expand and begin lactating, but a different type of milk that might have different effects.

Choice 3: “I want to be the perfect mate for Morgana,” Mila blurts out. Tam-Tam is surprised but agrees and fishes out the tiny bat to watch as Mila is transformed into her ideal mate.

Choice 4: “I... want to have Morgana as she is... inside me.” Tam-Tam gives the tiny bat to Mila who proceeds to (gently) stuff her into her privates.
The perfect mate for Morgana's desires
End Of Story

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