Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Tiny Bat

By: sup

"Hmm...it could be easy to make you fatter, but I think we can do something better." Tam-Tam said with a smirk. "Morgana...I command you to shink down. Preferably to the size of a little mouse." she said.

"What? You think you can just command me to..." Morgana said as she felt her muscles tense up. She felt like she was like a lump a dough being squeezed and compacted as she felt herself growing smaller. The room and her clothes were growing bigger as she continued to grow smaller and smaller. It was soon that she stopped shrinking as Tam-Tam picked her up by her wings.

"Aw...aren't you adorable? Almost like a little doll." Tam-Tam teased as she poked Morgana a bit. "Oh...I think I'll keep you like this for a bit." Tam-Tam said as she pushed the tiny bat down between her breasts. "Ah...perfect. Don't want my little pet getting squished." she giggled.

"You fat cow! Turn me back right now!" Morgana called out in a high pitch voice which made Tam-Tam laugh even louder as Morgana had little power in the situation.

"Now I know...just one's enough to make you all mine." Tam-Tam said with glee.
They run into Darius
End Of Story

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