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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Laying the Groundwork

By: Drakin

Tam-Tam smiled wide. She could hardly believe it. Both Mila and now Morgana were under her control. Willing servants who would do anything she asked. She could even change their bodies as desired.

Still... it would be boring if they just did everything she told them to do with no questions asked. She didn't want some machine of clockwork gears and predictable movements. A little personality would keep things spicy.

“Morgana, Mila I want you to listen closely and obey this command and only accept it once I have finished talking,” both straightened as she gathered her thoughts and put the phrasing into proper words.

“I want you two to act normal like when we first got to the mansion. You will have your own will and personality and do as you please around anyone else. When either of you are alone with me though you will do what I tell you without question, save for clarification. You may not ever harm me, yourselves, or each other. You will never try to escape from me or you will feel a powerful loneliness to return. You will not be able to tell anyone that that I do not control that I control you.”

She pondered briefly, wondering if she should do more. “And I want both of you to gradually fall in love with each other and with me. In time you will love each other deeply, but you will feel affection to me as well and want to please me as best you can.”

She finished with. “Is that understood?”

And both girls nodded and when blinked like they'd woken from a dream.

“Ugh, what... what did you just do Tam-Tam?” Morgana groaned.”

“I believe you mean 'Mistress Tam-Tam.” the bovine smiled.

“Yes... Mistress... Tam-Tam...” Morgana grunted as if she was fighting the words. “How could you do this to us?”

“How could I not?” Tam-Tam giggled, “It's so fun. Don't worry, I promise to be kind and accommodating, but you both get to be my toys now.”

“Like Hell!” Morgana suddenly lunged at her, knife drawn, but before she'd gone two steps her muscles seized up and she froze, unable to move as she strained against her own body.

“Now now. I told you that you couldn't harm me,” the bovine tittered. “I think you need a little punishment. And I want to see if there's enough milk in you to do what I have planned.”

Choice 1: Tam Tam commands Morgana to gain weight and the bat swells as if attached to an invisible hose, blowing fatter over the course of a few minutes.

Choice 2: Tam-Tam commands Morgana to shrink smaller, and the bat dwindles in size, soon becoming a toy she could pick up and hold in her hand.

Choice 3: Tam-Tam commands her to grow a male package of impressive size. She has plans for her in the bedroom.

Choice 4: Tam-Tam tries to command Morgana to change but she hasn't had enough milk. Oh well, she orders Morgana to drink more of her milk until it will work and turns her attention to Mila.
Command Morgana to gain weight
End Of Story

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