Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Commanding Changes

By: Drakin

It took two more searched rooms and another hallway of gentile prodding before Morgana finally caved to Tam-Tam's request to try the milk (also seeing Mila drink nearly another whole bottle of it as they walked).

“Fine, if it'll shut you up,” Morgana grumbled, “But only if you both drink with me, out of the same bottle.”

Tam-Tam had suspected as much and agreed. Unfortunately for her the bottles were clear so it was easy to see the milk go down as Mila drank from it first, there would be no faking taking a drink like her first inclination, And yet as she raised the bottle to her lips, Tam-Tam was curious. Both how she would taste and what effects the milk might have on her.

It was surprisingly good, and it took an effort not to finish the bottle as she pulled it away and passed it to Morgana.

The bat waited a moment, but seeing as neither of the girls dropped dead of poison she sighed and downed the remainder of the bottle in two quick gulps. “There. Happy?” she muttered. But even as she said it the taste hit her and she regretted not savoring the smooth creamy flavor more.

“Very,” Tam-Tam nodded, “Shall we get on with the search?”

Though Morgana agreed Tam-Tam knew better than to try to make her do anything just yet. Mila had downed a whole bottle before she'd become subservient, and drinking more had only made her more complacent. With only a third of a bottle in Morgana Tam-Tam was not about to tip her hand too soon.

Let the bat come to her for more milk first.


The search continued for another hour across various rooms. Though she tried not to do it often, Tam-Tam did enjoy “asking” Mila to do things and seeing the feline comply without question. But things got more interesting soon enough.

“Mila, could you please move this aside please?” 'This' being an old pool table that had partially collapsed while they'd been searching what seemed to be a game room of sorts. It had fallen and blocked the doorway to the next room.

“I don't know, it looks really heavy,” Mila replied, the solid wood construction meant the table had to be probably four or five hundred pounds, made all the harder to shift as two of the legs had snapped and it was half tumbled over.

“Oh come on, please try,” Tam-Tam asked.

She hadn't been thinking much of her words at that point, but it was close enough to a command Mila was forced to attempt it. Her first tug did nothing. Her second it shifted a little. And on the third she suddenly slid it across the floor like it was made of cardboard.

Morgana and Tam-Tam gaped as Mila managed it without breaking a sweat. “Wow,” Morgana commented, “You're stronger than you look. Glad I never picked a fight with you.”

Tam-Tam however could see that Mila looked different. Her muscles looked a bit thicker, not quite the scrawny spice merchant she'd been when they found her. While Morgana turned to the locked door and began prying it open, Tam-Tam pulled Mila aside and whispered quietly. “Tell me, how much can you lift.”

“As much as you need me to Mistress,” Mila replied, sounding more like a servant from the direct question.

“Don't call me that around Morgana,” Tam-Tam gently hissed back as she looked over Mila's slightly thicker build, “So wait, you got bigger just now to move the pool table?”

“Yes,” Mila replied in that servant tone, “I had to change to do as you asked.”

Tam-Tam mused at this. “Change back to your previous size.” Mila's slightly bigger muscles visibly deflated like a balloon with the air being let out. “I want you to grow your breasts, not big, but just two cup sizes larger.”

Mila's shirt shifted and then tented as her once tiny and pert breasts expanded against the cloth, growing to sill modest but more visible mounds.

Tam-Tam looked amazed. She wasn't just commanding Mila to do things now. She was commanding her body to transform as she wished.

Choice 1: Tam-Tam commands Mila to slowly transform into the sort of woman Morgana would love to get romantic with and encourage her to have more milk.

Choice 2: Tam-Tam wonders. If she can command Mila to change, can she command her own bovine body to change now that she's drunk her own milk? Mila drank a lot though. Maybe she needs more?

Choice 3: Tam-Tam orders Mila to grow big enough to hold down Morgana. Time to force feed her more milk and complete her servant transformation.

Choice 4: Morgana gets the door open, but the cloud of dust sends her into a coughing fit and she asks for more milk to wash out her mouth.
Something Else
End Of Story

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