Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Mila's New Mistress

By: Drakin

Mila drank the bottle of delicious cream, swirling it around on her tongue. It was incredible. Perhaps the best she'd every had. Really top quality stuff. “Amazing,” Mila smiled, “You could sell this and make some decent money.”

“Oh please,” Tam-Tam rolled her eyes.

“No really, this is good milk. You could do something impressive with it. Cream, cheese, butter...”

“Great, maybe I can open a dairy farm when I get out of here.”

Mila looked around at the rest of the bottles. The kitchen's refrigerator was big, but it couldn't hold all of them. “What should we do with the rest of the milk?”

“Maybe you could drink the rest of them,” Tam-Tam muttered sarcastically, “They'd just go bad otherwise...”

Before she'd even finished speaking though Mila grabbed three bottles and tipped them over her head, chugging all three as best she could while most went down her front.

“Whoa! Whoa! Stop!” Tam-Tam exclaimed, “What are you doing?”

Mila gasped as she set the near empty bottles down, “Well you said I should drink the rest, so I thought...”

“I was being sarcastic Mila,” Tam-Tam huffed, “Seriously, you struck me as smarter than that.”

“Sorry,” Mila said in a voice that sounded surprisingly small and timid.

Tam-Tam blinked at her and then shook her head, “Forget it. Let's just put as much of these bottles in the fridge as will fit. Unless you plan on trying to do that again.”

“Do what?” Mila asked as she gathered up the bottles.

“Drink all the milk...,” And again Tam-Tam had to shout for her to stop as three more bottles were upended down her throat.

By now though Tam-Tam was beginning to suspect something was wrong. “Mila, when I told you to forget something, what happened?”

“I forgot it,” she replied simply, “erased from my mind.”

“Mila stand up,” Tam-Tam stated and the feline did so. “Sit down.” She again complied. “Dance.”

As Mila began to strut around like a ballerina Tam-Tam marveled. Mila was doing exactly what she told her to do.

“Mila, I want you to behave like you would have this morning,” Tam-Tam instructed her, “Only if I tell you to do something directly will you do it, understand?”

Mila nodded and a moment later her eyes unfocused and she wobbled, when she blinked again she looked around more normally. “What just happened Tam-Tam? And why is my shirt covered in milk?”

“You tripped on the rug while you were drinking,”Tam-Tam explained simply, “Went down a bit hard with the milk all over. Are you ok?”

“I think so,” she stifled a small belch, “Ooh, that milk is more filling than I thought.”

“Yes, but I think the others might enjoy a taste of it. Grab a few bottles and stick them in the fridge, we'll take a few others for them to enjoy.”

Mila nodded and did as asked, thinking nothing of it as Tam-Tam smiled behind her back at her new servant.

Choice 1: Mila and Tam-Tam catch up to Morgana and offer her some milk

Choice 2: The pair sneak off with Tam-Tam eager to explore more of her ability to command Mila.

Choice 3: Tam-Tam leads Mila to find Darious. With her controlling him the others will fall in line.

Choice 4: Curiosity gets the best of her and she wonders if she can command herself if she drinks her own milk.
Something else.
End Of Story

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