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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Morgana Found Some Notes

By: Drakin

The walk back to the lab was slower, both because of Tam-Tam's new weight and the fact Mila couldn't quite recall the way. And twice they had to backtrack when things didn't look familiar. Still it gave the gecko girl time to wipe most of the cream from her body, though she left just enough for her own privacy since her clothes were now long since shredded.

She was quite a bit thicker Mila observed. Not huge, but easily twice her former proportions with a thick double chin that wobbled under a round face, wobbling arms and jiggling thighs that bounced a rear end the size of watermelons. Her breasts were about the same size or maybe slightly larger, but it was her stomach that was the real star as it hung down her front just enough to cover her privates as she walked.

They eventually reached the lab where Mila at least was pleasantly surprised to find Morgana looking through the notes on the tables. When she turned to greet them she blinked in shock at both their appearances. “Mila?” she looked at the cinnamon bun feline and the wider gecko beside her, “What happened to you two?”

“Us? What happened to you?” Tam-Tam replied. And aside from her curves Mila could see another difference as Morgana stepped closer. She was actually taller than Tam-Tam now though still a head shorter than Mila, while Tam-Tam barely came up to Mila's doughy belly. In the strange place though it was hard to say who was the correct height, but Tam-Tam seemed the closest to proportion with the tables and chairs, even if her weight was just barely too big to fit sed chairs.

Morgana smiled down at the gecko. “This place really has brought out new sides to both of us, huh?” she noted smugly.

“Perhaps,” Tam-Tam shrugged casually, “but personality counts for a lot and none of us seem to have changed much in that regard.

Morgana huffed as Mila tried to change the subject, “Just what where you looking at when we came in?”

“Trying to see if there were any notes on the rune or the coin,” Morgana explained, “The Duke who owned this place had these alchemists and wizards researching all sorts of wild stuff. Even before he found out what the rune was he was collecting all sorts of strange magical artifacts. And these guys were working on a lot of unique stuff as well. There's notes from one researcher that is sure he was on the brink of discovering the source of all transformation magic.”

“The source of it?” Mila asked curiously.

“Yes. It's a bit long and rambling, and has way too many big words. But if I get his meaning right, if he could work it out it could literally transform anyone into any shape they desired. Even grant powers associated with the shape. It's possible in the last days he might have included the coin as a final step in the process.”

“Well that's certainly useful,” Tam-Tam noted, “But what about the rune?”

“Apparently after they found out what it did the Duke had it locked up in a vault somewhere down here along with a lot of other dangerous magical artifacts. It was only taken out for testing purposes, and what little I've read so far suggests those got more frequent in the final days of the Duke's existence.

“Weirdly, after his 'end' the notes change, they grow more frantic and hurriedly scribbled in some alchemists notes. In another's they almost devolve, growing simpler, more basic and block-y...” She showed them the book in question, the last page torn in a couple places where the writing instrument had gone through and the broken and jagged pair of words 'NOT THINK' took up the whole page. Maybe they meant to write 'Nothing', but it was hard to be sure.

“Whatever the case,” Tam-Tam noted, “It's worth exploring down here a bit longer.”

Choice 1: They search the lab for any further clues. Finding other strange oddities of magic hidden away in the corners.

Choice 2: They go to find the vault, but the magic stuff inside was supposed to be really dangerous.

Choice 3: Despite all the food related issues, hunger pains strike and Morgana and Tam-Tam request sampling a little of Mila's edible body. Will it have an effect on them?

Choice 4: They've been searching a long time already. Time to go find Darious and report what they've found. Maybe get some sleep and resume the search the next day.
Something else.
End Of Story

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